jury duty

Old Bailey and Lady Justice by James Burke (deBurca on Flickr)[…]

Music for the second half of life

As I was reading Richard Rohr’s Falling Upward, it occurred[…]

Why creativity is a core value for Christian churches

What follows is an apologetic I wrote in 2002 for[…]

of Christians and music…

we go to church to sing to God; we leave[…]

what if you are the treasure?

In Matthew 13:44-45 Jesus is trying to explain the nature[…]

the farmer is the field

A few Sundays back, John McKellar was exploring that teaching from[…]

the power of lies

My friend Melanie recently shared this TED talk from Pamela[…]

my ten favorite things about Walt Disney World

We planned a trip to Walt Disney World with some[…]

Thou shalt not want?

I don’t remember exactly when I learned Psalm 23. Maybe[…]

April 5, 2010 …

…reminds me of: April 5, 2006 There was light You[…]

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